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Christmas 2006

Christmas extravaganza at the Commemoration Hall

Full programme here.

Our contribution to this show (on 16th December) was Ronald's adaptation of 'The Greatest Gift' (the basis of the classic film 'It's a Wonderful Life').

The Greatest Gift


bulletGeorge - Mark Lamberth
bulletNarrator - Michael Black
bulletMystical Tramp -  - Chris Topham
bulletGeorge's Mum - Jacqueline Spencer
bulletGeorge's Dad - Richard Meredith
bulletMary - Carol Wadey
bulletMary's son - Tom Turnbull
bulletArt Jenkins - James Godwin
bulletJim Silva - Kevin Webb
bulletDirector - Ronald Stevenson
bulletProps - Richard Meredith
bulletSound FX - John Morgan
bulletChoir Mistress and Chief Caroller - Carol Wadey


A big thank you from the Director to all of you who have enthusiastically responded and I look forward to working with each and every one of you to ensure that this small but poignant production is a success for all involved. I will require some help with the wardrobe side of things and we also require a dog, although sound FX may have to do, they say never work with children or animals....... but if anyone knows of a dog that barks to command I'd relish the challenge. A barking cat ? - now there's a thought?

Huntingdon Drama Club